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Translated by GPT-4.

Install Python

This project is written in Python, which means you need to install a copy of Python. Theoretically, the minimum version is 3.7, but this project has been fully tested on 3.9 and 3.11 I only used these two versions for a long time, and the 3.11 version is recommended.

Installing software should be an essential skill, especially if you're using Linux, you should learn how to install from a package manager or compile it. The installation process will not be detailed here.

Download Source Code

You can either download and unzip the source code from the latest version on the release page, or use git to pull the source code for download.

Pull the source code of the master branch using Git.

git clone -b master

You can also follow the steps below for version updates.

Then, check the latest version and switch to the specified version.

git fetch origin
git tag

Take the following output as an example


To use the latest version, we should switch to v0.4.0. Replace the angle bracket part of the next instruction with this string (including the angle brackets):

git checkout -b <replace me> <replace me>

Install Dependencies

Using a virtual environment (recommended)

It is recommended to use venv to manage the virtual environment. First, go to the directory and execute

python -m venv venv

to create a virtual environment, and then execute

source ./venv/bin/activate

to activate the virtual environment.

Enter the project root directory and execute

pip install -r requirements.txt

to install the dependencies.