

默认的配置文档存放在项目目录下的 config.yaml.example,你需要复制一份,将其更名为 config.yaml,并按照内部的注释进行修改。请注意遵循 YAML 的语法要求。


v0.2.0 对配置文件有破坏性更改。enable_artist_translation 被更改为 enable_tag_translation,请注意。

v0.3.0 新增了必须项 sk,请注意添加。


# 你需要在登录账号之后获取 cookie
# 如果你使用 e-hentai,则 igneous 值不需填写
# You need to get the following cookie value after logging into your account.
# If you are using e-hentai site, the igneous value is not required.
ipb_member_id: 'YOUR_IPB_MEMBER_ID'
ipb_pass_hash: 'YOUR_IPB_PASS_HASH'
sk: 'YOUR_SK'
# 如果你不知道这项是干什么的,不要动它
# If you don't know what this is for, do not change it.
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.37
# 如果你在中国大陆,你有很高的可能性需要设置代理。这里是一份为 Clash 编写的示例
# There is a high probability that you will need to set up a proxy if you are in mainland China. Here is an example for Clash.
# proxy:
# enable: true
# url: http://localhost:7890
enable: false
save_path: 你的文件存储路径_YOUR_BACKUP_PATH
# 保存为 CBZ 格式
# Save as cbz
save_as_cbz: false
# 有两个选项供你选择
# There are two options for you.
# e-hentai.org
# exhentai.org
website: e-hentai.org
# 并行下载的连接数
# 强烈建议不要设置高于 3 的数字
# The number of parallel downloads.
# It is strongly recommended not to set a number higher than 3.
connect_limit: 3
# 重试的次数。这影响所有可能需要重试的项目,包括画廊数据更新、元数据更新、图像下载、总尝试次数等。
# Number of retries. This affects all items that may require retries, including gallery data updates, metadata updates, image downloads, total number of attempts, etc.
retry_time: 3
# 是否开启 EhTagTranslation 作者翻译
# Whether to enable EhTagTranslation author translation. Not useful for non-Chinese user.
enable_tag_translation: false